Responsible Gambling Self-Appraisal Quiz
Stop playing for a second, Take this two-minute quiz
Feeling concerned about your gambling habits? You’re not alone. Two Responsible Gambling Self-Appraisal Quiz are here to help. It’s a quick and easy way to assess where you stand. Take the quiz now and gain a clearer understanding of your gambling habits, so you can enjoy a safer and more enjoyable gaming experience.
When to write the quiz? It is a good moment to take the quiz when you see responsible gambling reminder message.
Self-Appraisal Quiz 1
1. Have you bet more than you could really afford to lose?
2. Have you needed to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling of excitement?
3. Have you gone back another day to try to win back the money you lost?
4. Have you borrowed money or sold anything to get money to gamble?
5. Have you felt that you might have a problem with gambling?
6. Have you felt that people criticized your betting or told you that you had a gambling problem?
7. Have you felt guilty about the way you gamble or what happens when you gamble?
8. Has your gambling caused you any health problems, including stress or anxiety?
9. Has your gambling caused financial problems for you or your household?
Self-Appraisal Quiz 2
1. Do you ever feel worried about your gambling?
2. Is your gambling causing you any difficulties?
3. Do you feel you need to keep gambling with larger amounts of money?
4. Have you ever gambled with more than you could afford to lose?
5. Have you ever tried to win back money you've lost gambling?
6. Have you ever hidden anything about your gambling?
Check Your Level
Non-Problem Gambler: 0
You likely have not faced any gambling-related issues in the past year. You seem aware of how often you play and how much you spend, ensuring gambling doesn’t interfere with your daily life.
Low-Risk Gambler: 1 - 5
You may have experienced minor issues related to gambling. Stay mindful of how often you play and how much you spend. Remember, gambling should be for fun, not a way to make money.
Moderate-Risk Gambler: 6 - 12
A score in this range suggests you may be experiencing some gambling-related challenges, such as feelings of guilt or regret. Take time to reassess your spending and playing habits. If you want support or more information, help is available.
High-Risk Gambler: Over 13
Scoring in this range indicates that gambling may be causing serious problems in your life. Recognizing this is a crucial first step. Consider reaching out for help. You can speak with someone confidentially and at no cost. You are not alone, and support is available. Try to tell your beloved family.
GambleAware | Responsible Gambling Council
This self-Appraisal follows the Problem Gambling Index. A higher score suggests a greater likelihood that gambling may be causing problems.
*Note: This quiz is not meant for official diagnosis, treatment, or referrals. For further support, consult your healthcare provider or contact a local addiction or mental health agency.
Tip: If your results show potential risk, help is available. Reach out to local support services today.